This is a guide to the patterns of swords worn by naval officers. An attempt has been made to draw together the various strands of evolution of both the sword and its fittings.
It also gives more prominence to the Royal Navy’s Reserve Forces and some other related organisations which have derived their patterns of sword from those of the Royal Navy. The sword has always been seen as a symbol of authority, and it is still worn by officers in No.1 Dress. Many films about the Royal Navy in the days of sail show officers wearing anachronistic patterns of swords. This contrasts with the care often taken over many other details of costume and location. There are few excuses for this carelessness as, unlike the army where patterns varied with arm and regiment, the evolution of naval swords is really quite simple. So hopefully this booklet will provide a simple guide to those who either wish to be accurate with their portrayal or to understand more about the Naval Sword in their possession.
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